LAUNDRY BOOSTER & MULTIPURPOSE CLEANER IS HERE 🌸 We have a 3 in 1 cleaner for you and we are so pumped!!
You can add this to your laundry as a scent booster mop your floors with it, add to water and a spray bottle to clean surfaces, clean toilets and tubs with this, sprinkle on your carpets… the cleaning possibilities are endless and I promise nothing compares to these scents. They are so strong and smell incredible!!
pet safe
•Sweet Grace: This fragrance has notes of sweet florals, woods, musk, amber and cotton Candy
•Diva: A beautiful blend of fruits and rich floral scents. It imitates the well known fragrances Divas by Tyler Candle Co.
•Thousand Wishes: Prosecco with sweet floral notes
*Cowboy: Eucalyptus Citrus Amber Leather
Fall Leaves: crisp Apples and mandarin oranges
🌸These are typically instock. Reorders take 7 days.